Archonis - ar-k-on-is
Callista - cal-is-ta
Damien - dam-E-en
Zephyr - zef-er
Thalia - Th-a-lia
Lúpai - Loop-eye
Mea luna - may-loo-na
Mea sol - may-sole
Oneiroi - O-near-ee
Propylaea - prope-lee-uh
This guide is the author’s suggested pronunciation for the characters and places, which she provided to the audiobook narrator. Keep in mind: it’s a fantasy book. You can pronounce these characters and places however you want to pronounce them. Don’t feel like you’re obligated to follow this guide, and please don’t pick on anyone who pronounces a name differently than how you do. The only real concern is that you enjoy what you’re reading. More coming soon!